Dear Spike:
Your mother learned today how very sharp your new tooth is. Not surprisingly, this has been a very disconcerting development for her.
One day, when you are 13 or 14 and acting a bit rotten toward her, I am going to sit down with you and describe all the ways in which she has sacrificed of herself on your behalf.
Quite frankly, I wouldn’t put it past her to have this conversation with you herself. After all, this is a woman who has the uncanny ability to remember every time I’ve seriously wronged her, right down to what I was wearing at the time.
Then again, you’ve smitten her in ways I could never match. So just in case, blinded by love, she fails to let you know, I’ve been keeping track.
From the way the doctors tore into her body to pull you out to how she’s woken every night (sometimes two or three or four times) to feed you, your mom has endured extreme pain, utter sleeplessness, immeasurable worry and just plain all-around discomfort all to ensure you are happy, healthy and growing.
She loves you more than anything in the world.
And yes indeed, if you are ever rotten to her, you’re going to get to hear all about it.
My daughter turned 20 yesterday (22nd). She is a total daddy's girl. Wish I could remind her of my efforts to bring her into the world. I hope your daughter and her mom are always close.
I can't really get over the leg warmers.
Clothing is the only reason why I wish I'd had girls. If my son could look as endearing in them, I'd buy/make him some.
(Of course, clothing is one of the reasons I'm glad I don't have girls...)
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