Dear Spike:
Your mother and I were chatting in the kitchen when we suddenly realized that you'd disappeared.
We checked the bathroom, the living room, the dining room and your bedroom...
... and then we heard a rustling sound coming from our room — where you had overturned your mother's jewelry box and were busy trying on her necklaces and bracelets.
Quite cute — save for the fact that you'd managed to tangle up all the chains into one of those mind-numbing Chinese sculpture puzzles.
Your mother was not happy.
I don't wear her jewelry, so I just had a nice, long schadenfreudian belly laugh.
Mia's Aunt Kelly did the same thing when she was just about the same age. We never found the baby ring that had belonged to her daddy when he was an infant. I think she ate it! You might want to watch for pretty poops!!!
Mia's Mom did those things all the time. The nut never falls far from the tree. From the picture it looks like she was having a bling bling good time. Mia is the cutest.
Ok...It has been too long since I have seen her! Look at that cute hair! I need to invite myself to come visit. : )
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