Dear Spike,
It is time.
Not just because you are now four and this is what four-year-olds do. You are. And it is. But you do not do things just because others do them. If you did, you would not be you.
But it is time.
Not just because I have taken a new job and, as such, will be unable to stay home with you. Indeed, my life is changing. And indeed, that will change yours. That is not the reason for this change.
But yes, it it time.
Not just because you have decided it is time. You have, of course, done just that. But you are, of course, only four. And four-year-olds — for all that they do — do not get to make decisions like this.
But yes, my dear and beautiful and brilliant daughter... my tiny little friend... my most important thing... it is time for you to go to school.
And why is it time? If not because you are four? If not because our lives have changed? If not because you really want to?
It is time, my child, because it is time. Because you are ready.
You are ready to learn things that your mother and I cannot teach you: How to make yourself heard above the din of a crowd. How to be yourself, even as you are surrounded by others who want and expect you to be like them. How to follow and how to lead.
These are not always easy lessons to learn. There will be some who do not like you, do not treat you well, do not value the things that you value. There will be some that you will follow, wrongly, into trouble — and you will be held accountable as though you did it all yourself. There will be some that will say and do things that make you angry — and you will be expected to show them kindness and compassion.
Yes, I expect much of you. Yes, I recognize that you are only four.
But you are the best parts of your mother and the best parts of me. And I don't mind saying that we're not half bad people, as people go.
In any case, the privileges you have in this world make you royalty. Much has been given to you; much is thus expected from you. No matter that some have more and do less. You are not those people.
You are you. And your mother and I have done everything we can do, to this point, to make you the best you possible.
Now, increasingly, it is up to you. And, of course, the rest of the world — for we do not learn and change and grow in a void.
I do not fear that influence. Yes, the world can be a very terrible place. But even before you arrived, we knew that we would love you more than anything in the world, and we would not have brought you into this world if we didn't believe that, in the great balance, there is always more good than bad.
There is always more hope than fear.
There is always more faith than doubt.
And there is always more love than hate.
For four years, we have been the ones who have led you to these lessons. Now, increasingly, the world will take your hand.
We are proud of you. We are excited for you. And we will always be here for you.
It is time.