Friday, April 20, 2007


Dear Spike:

We had a baby shower for you on Sunday. I was amazed at how many people came. There’s still seven weeks to go before you’re due to join us, but you’ve already got such great friends.

They brought you blankets, outfits, shoes, toys, pillows and a bottle warmer. And they had a lot of fun at our expense (your friends Gus and Emily, for instance, bought you a shirt that says “Are you my daddy?”)

In that same spirit, almost everyone at the party asked if we were ready for our lives “to change” — talking in hushed tones or with eyebrows raised in a way that made it seem as though change was a horrible and frightening proposition.

But I’ve never been afraid of change, for without it, life would be quite dull.

Change is what brings us the seasons — the turning of the leaves, the falling of the snow, the greening of the world. Change brings the sun, then the moon, then the sun again.

Change brings us new friends, new adventures.

Change brought me your mother. And now change is bringing me you.

I don’t know what is in store for us as parents — other than you. But that’s enough for me to want, more than anything, the changes you’ll bring.



Unknown said...

I cannot BELIEVE I wasn't invited!

(Are you guys registered?)

Anonymous said...

You'll thank your lucky stars for that bottle warmer... it's a must-have in the Karnofski household!

Yes, your lives are going to change. In fact, I daresay that your life post-baby will be completely unrecognizable from how it is now. But once that change comes, you'll wonder how you ever lived any other way.

Drop me an e-mail with your mailing address. I have a little gift for Spike I'd like to send. : )