Dear Spike:
I think it may be time for another visit to the The King’s English bookshop.
It’s not that you’ve grown bored with your current selection of stories. Far from it, in fact. Hell, you’d probably be content to listen to “Good Night Moon” 72 times in a row.
But I’m sorry, there are just so many times one can read the words “In the great green room there was a telephone...” without wanting to find said room, pick up said phone and dial up the suicide prevention hotline.
Looks like our psychopathy is your gain. And probably not for the last time, either.
I remember when Goodnight Moon was one of about five books we read over and over. I found it among Clare's books the other day and kind of missed those days...not enough to read it again though.
Seriously, I could not FATHOM how a child might enjoy this really boring book until a lovely southern woman read it quietly and soothingly to my children one evening. Then I got it.
Since then, after about a zillion reads, I've hid it.
I'm not feeling guilty. I'm not.
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