Friday, March 27, 2009


Dear Spike:

Here's the entirety of a "conversation" you just had on the phone with our nation's chief executive:

"It's ringing!"


"Hi Obama!"


"Good. Good!"


"Dancing? Dancing!"


"Ooh-kay! Dancing!"


"Ooh-kay Obama. Good bye!"


"Bye bye!"

When I asked you what you and Obama had been talking about, you just smiled a wagged your finger at me.

"No daddy," you said. "Not daddy's phone call."

I think you have a crush on the president.



Shanda Mattsson said...

That is the funniest thing ever! She is going to be such a smart girl!

Ryan and Mez said...

Very Very Cute. Love your Blogs Spikes dad. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I think you're in big trouble. She's not yet 2 years old and she won't let you know what she and her guy are talking about. BIG TROUBLE!


Cheryl said...

To cute!