Sunday, March 8, 2009


Dear Spike:

Round three in the great sleep battle goes to me: You were down in 15 minutes flat.

Round four, I'd like to call a draw: You threw up about five minutes into our "happy night-night" routine and so we had to start all over, after cleaning you up. It took an hour from that point to get you down, after that, so if we really had to pick a winner, I guess the round can go to you.

Rounds five and six were clear victories for your dad: You were out both nights with little protest.

Tonight was a tougher battle — you begged for 15 minutes for me to get your Teddy Ruxpin out of hiding so he could tell you a story. But I held fast and you fell asleep mumbling something about hitting daddy with an ax. I'm claiming the round.

I don't want to claim outright victory yet, but it seems that our new sleep routine is working.

Please don't kill me in my sleep.



Mae said...

Keep it u dad and, before too long, Spike will be asking to go to bed! Really---it works out that way!

Anonymous said...

You show that girl who is boss! No brother of mine will be defeated by a tiny toddler.

Deb said...

-->Hold strong!
Our 2 year old goes to bed easily but it's a struggle to get him to eat anything beyond his five staples. There is always a challenge it seems.