Thursday, April 23, 2009


Dear Spike:

I still call you my baby. No doubt I always will. But with each passing day, it's getting harder and harder to see you as anything but a little girl.

Some of the benchmarks are obvious:
• Your obsession with the swings at the park. "Not the baby swing, daddy," you tell me. "The big girl swing!"
• The way you contemplate questions and give meaningful answers. "Who is my girl?" I ask. "Mamma is a girl and me is a girl," you say.

But the benchmarks that are most profound are usually the ones that are most unexpected.
• The way you've taken to saying "yeah," and "nope" and "OooooKay!"
• How you sometimes sing yourself to sleep: "Imalida tea pot short and stout, heresmahanda heresma.... zzzzzzzzzzzzz!"

You're getting bigger, and taller, and heavier. Yet when I hold you in my arms, and especially when your head is resting on my shoulder, you're still my baby.

No doubt you always will be.



Mae said...

Oh, Spike IS growing up. Even though she is still so tiny and petite, her face looks older. She is beginning to look like a "little" girl, not a "baby" girl.

Thanks for the new pics. Spike is the cutest little pixie I know!

Leann said...

It is often times both an immense pleasure and pain to watch them grow up.

Love the pictures!!