Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Dear Spike:

You sobbed today when we talked about my upcoming trip. Two weeks is a long time for a little girl to be without her daddy.

But after I told you that you get to have two weeks of slumber parties with your mommy while I'm away, you perked up quite a bit.

Now you're feeling much better about things — but I'm feeling sad. Two weeks is a long time for a daddy to be without his little girl.

I'm proud of the work I do. And I believe it's worth the small sacrifices we make to help people in our nation understand the tragic consequences of war.

But my stomach churns when I think about being away from you. I'm dreading that final hug, that long plane flight to Iraq, that first night away.

I'll miss you more than I can possibly explain. But at least for now, I'll smile and tell you about how much fun you're going to have while I'm away.



Leann said...

Be safe and thank you for your sacrifice.

Jeff Key said...

(sound of Marine sniffling)