Friday, May 4, 2007


Dear Spike:

Your mother’s been done with her master’s program for five months now, but the University of Utah only conducts a commencement ceremony once a year, so she didn’t walk until today.

She looked very impressive in her graduation robe, hood and hat. For some reason, seeing her surrounded by others dressed in their colorful robes and stoles made me wish that academics still dressed that way all of the time.

Your mother worked very hard to earn that robe and walk across that stage, and I’m very proud of her.

You should be too.



Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker, but Congratulations to her!! She looks fabulous! I love the pic and it'll be great to show your child later in life.

Oh, and the pain thing. I was scared about that too even without those birthing classes. Don't let them scare you. It hurts but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. A tip I got from a mother of three...ask for drugs as soon as possible (even if she has to exaggerate the pain) b/c they take FOREVER to bring them! You'll both be fine! said...

Lurker nothing! Anybody who reads Spike's letters is family.
Thanks for your kind words.

imagoii said...

Congrats! You should all be proud - It's a lot of work to get that degree!
I love your blog - and I often find myself crying (tears of joy, laughter, sadness) when I read it - You always seem to move me!
Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us (even us lurkers)!

Eric Devericks said...

Nice job Heidi!

Darren said...

Congrats to Spike's Mom!

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo, Heidi. Congratulations!!