Thursday, October 2, 2008


Dear Spike:

We come together one...

We come together all...

And when we come together...

We do the Beaver Call! 

You attended your first Oregon State football game this evening. It didn't end as we'd hoped (if you're going to be a Beaver Believer, that's something you might just have to get used to.) Still, you definitely had a good time.

You cheered. You shook an orange and black pompom. You ate ice cream. And when it was all said and done, you walked out of the stadium with your head held high...

... and then promptly fell asleep on your mother's shoulder. 



mesfox said...

So wait, now they lost! What the heck is up with that team? The Beavs thoroughly beat No. 1 USC, then lose. I didn't even know they were playing. Fire Locey!

Cheryl said...

Cutest pictures ever! Thanks for sharing. Sorry about your team. USF lost too..something about getting into the top 10 in rankings seems to freak them out.

At least our RAYS won their first ever playoff game. WAHOOOOOO.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys went. We were watching and I was thinking "Heidi and Matt should really have Mia at this game". See?! I cheered for the nasty Beavers as they are Oregonian, but Leland cheered for the Utes. Sorry!


Anonymous said...

As we watched I was hoping you all were at the game cheering on the Beavs. If only we could get a decent kicker...

Cute pics! Go Beavs!

Leann said...

Ya just never know what you're gonna get with the Beavers...kinda like a box of chocolates :-)